Volume 1 / Issue 107 / 160705
July 1, 2016
Is a single-volar digital injection of local anesthetic as effective and less painful than a double-dorsal injection?
Volume 2 / Issue 205 / 170504
May 1, 2017
Is therapeutic hypothermia beneficial for traumatic brain Injury in adult and pediatric patients?
Volume 2 / Issue 207 / 170702
July 1, 2017
Do patients undergoing intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography experience increased incidence of acute kidney injury?
Volume 2 / Issue 207 / 170704
July 1, 2017
Does the addition of diazepam to naproxen improve low back pain and improve functional outcomes?
Volume 2 / Issue 209 / 170904
September 1, 2017
Trauma | Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Does needle aspiration for spontaneous pneumothorax reduce hospital length-of-stay compared to chest tube drainage?
Volume 2 / Issue 210 / 171003
October 1, 2017
Trauma | Intracranial Hemorrhage
What is the rate of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage from a ground-level fall in patients taking antithrombotic therapy?
Volume 3 / Issue 308 / 180805
August 1, 2018
How accurate is computed tomography in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal injuries in stable patients with anterior abdominal stab wounds?
Volume 3 / Issue 310 / 181001
October 1, 2018
Do balanced crystalloids versus saline decrease the risk of adverse outcome events in critically ill adults?
Volume 3 / Issue 311 / 181105
November 1, 2018
How accurate is chest ultrasonography for the diagnosis of pneumothorax and hemothorax in adult trauma patients?
Volume 3 / Issue 312 / 181206
December 1, 2018
Are Pigtail catheters as safe and effective as chest tubes for the initial treatment of pneumothorax?
Volume 4 / Issue 401 / 190106
January 1, 2019
Do balanced crystalloids versus saline decrease the risk of adverse outcome events in noncritically ill adults?
Volume 4 / Issue 402 / 190203
February 1, 2019
Does the prehospital administration of thawed plasma reduce mortality in trauma patients at risk for hemorrhagic shock?
Volume 4 / Issue 403 / 190301
March 1, 2019
Do critically ill people in need of fluid resuscitation benefit more from colloids or crystalloids?
Volume 4 / Issue 412 / 191203
December 1, 2019
How well does the extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (eFAST) exam detect pneumothoraces, pericardial effusions, and intra-abdominal free fluid in injured patients?
Volume 5 / Issue 503 / 200301
March 1, 2020
Trauma | Traumatic Brain Injury
What are the effects of tranexamic acid on head injury-related death, disability and adverse events in patients with acute traumatic brain injury?
Volume 5 / Issue 506 / 200603
June 1, 2020
Trauma | Mammalian Bite Wounds
What are the potential benefits and harms of suturing mammalian bite wounds?
Volume 5 / Issue 508 / 200804
August 1, 2020
Does surgical repair within 6 hours of hip fracture diagnosis decrease mortality and major adverse events?
Volume 6 / Issue 601 / 210104
January 1, 2021