BEEM-specific publications do not include individual research efforts. Instead they are defined by EBM or KT content published in the journals’ sections of evidence based medicine reviews, preferably with the BEEM name attached but thus far only the Journal of Emergency Medicine has permitted this credit. This list is current as of 04 July 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Literature
Pines J, Carpenter CR, Raja A, Schuur J. Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules 2nd Edition, Oxford UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
Fuller B, Mohr NM, Carpenter CR; Protective ventilation for patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome, JAMA 2013; 309: 654-655.
Fuller B, Mohr N, Drewry AM, Carpenter CR; Lower tidal volume at initiation of mechanical ventilation may reduce progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome: A systematic review. Crit Care Med 2013; 17(1): R11.
Carpenter CR, Keim S, Worster A, Rosen P; BNP in the evaluation of emergency department dyspnea. Is there a role? J Emerg Med 2012; 42: 197-205.
Carpenter CR; Teaching Lifelong Learning Skills: Journal Club and Beyond. Rogers RL, Mattu A. Winter M, Martinez J (eds): Practical Teaching in Emergency Medicine 2nd Edition. Oxford UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Worster A, Kulasegaram M, Carpenter CR, Vallera T, Upadhye S, Sherbino J, Haynes RB; Inter-rater reliability assessment of the Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Rater Scale, a medical literature rating tool for emergency physicians, Acad Emerg Med 2011; 18: 1193-2000.
Carpenter CR, Keim SM, Milne WK, Meurer WJ, Barsan WG; Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke beyond three hours, J Emerg Med 2011; 40: 82-92.
Worster A, Chan T; How does This Patient Have A Hemorrhagic Stroke? Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Oct 16. [Epub ahed of print] PMID: 20952101
Chan T, Worster A; The Clinical Diagnosis of Arrhythmisas in Patients Presenting with Palpitations. Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Oct 16. [Epub ahed of print] PMID: 20947205
Carpenter CR, Sherbino J; How Does an “Opinion Leader” Influence My Practice? CJEM 2010 (in press).
Carpenter CR, Keim SM, Milne WK, Meurer WJ, Barsan WG; Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke beyond three hours, Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine Investigator Group J Emerg Med 2010 (in press).
Sherbino J, Keim SM, Davis DP; Clinical decision rules for termination of resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Best Evidence In Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Group.J Emerg Med. 2010 Jan; 38(1): 80-86. 2009 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19800755
Sherbino J; Does This Patient Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Ann Emerg Med 2010 Jan; 55(1): 117-119. 2009 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. PMID: 19282065
Worster A; Review: 3 prediction rules, particularly ABCD, identify ED patients who can be discharged with low risk of stroke after TIA. Evid Based Med. 2009 Dec; 14(6):187. No abstract available. PMID: 19949189
Crocco A; Review: the Ottawa Ankle Rules are accurate for excluding fractures in acute blunt ankle/midfoot injury in children. Evid Based Med. 2009 Dec; 14(6):184. No abstract available. PMID: 19949186
Worster A, Keim SM, Carpenter CR, Adeoye O; Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Group; Does early intensive lowering of blood pressure reduce hematoma volume and improve clinical outcome after acute cerebral hemorrhage? J Emerg Med. 2009 Nov; 37(4):433-8. Epub 2009 Jul 9.PMID: 19545967
Milne WK, Worster A; Evidence-based Emergency Medicine/Rational Clinical Examination Abstract. Does the clinical examination predict lower extremity peripheral arterial disease? Ann Emerg Med. 2009 Nov;54(5):748-50. Epub 2009 Jan 29. No abstract available. PMID: 19185391
Worster A, Keim SM, Sahsi R; The Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Group, Pancioli AM; Do Either Corticosteroids or Antiviral Agents Reduce the Risk of Long-Term Facial Paresis in Patients with New-onset Bell’s Palsy? J Emerg Med. 2009 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19846267
Carpenter CR, Keim SM, Upadhye S, Nguyen HB; Risk stratification of the potentially septic patient in the emergency department: the Mortality in the Emergency Department Sepsis (MEDS) score. Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine Investigator Group. J Emerg Med 2009 Oct; 37(3):319-27. Epub 2009 May 8. Review. PMID: 19427752
Worster A; ACP Journal Club. Review: 3 prediction rules, particularly ABCD, identify ED patients who can be discharged with low risk for stroke after TIA. Ann Intern Med. 2009 Sep 15;151(6):JC3-15. No abstract available. PMID: 19755361
Non-peer Reviewed Literature
Sherbino J; Can I use ultrasonography to rule out DVT? Emergency Physicians Monthly Mar 2010; 17(4): 12
Carpenter CR, Pitts S; Flu facts, flu myths, and the gray zone; Emergency Physicians Monthly Feb 2010; 17(2): 11-12.
Upadhye S; Using NIPPV for acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema can save lives; Emergency Physicians Monthly Jan 2010; 17(1): 16
Milne WK; Do facemasks work at home? Emergency Physicians Monthly Dec 2009; 16(12): 1, 19
Sherbino J; Pre-hospital cardiac arrest: when to pull the plug; Emergency Physician Monthly Oct 2009; 16(10): 23
Carpenter C; The evidence behind the 4.5-hour t-PA window; Emergency Physicians Monthly Aug 2009; 16(8): 11
Carpenter C; Should-tPA be administered at 4.5 hours? YES! Emergency Physicians Monthly Aug 2009; 16(8): 1, 13
Upadhye S; Managing acute exacerbated COPD; Emergency Physicians Monthly Jun 2009; 16(6): 12
Carpenter C; Risk stratifying the potentially septic patient in the ED; Emergency Physicians Monthly Apr 2009; 16(4): 3
Worster A; Should I treat blood pressure in acute cerebral hemorrhage? Emergency Physicians Monthly Mar 2009; 16(3): 3
Carpenter C; Practicing medicine in Hippocrates’ shadow; Emergency Physicians Monthly Jan 2009; 16(1): 11