Volume 1 / Issue 111 / 161104
November 1, 2016
Gastrointestinal | Appendicitis
Can antibiotics be used as first line therapy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis?
Volume 2 / Issue 211 / 171104
November 1, 2017
Infectious Disease | Skin & Soft Tissue Infection
Does the addition of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole to Cephalexin improve the clinical cure of cellulitis?
Volume 3 / Issue 304 / 180401
April 1, 2018
Does a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen provide similar pain reduction to a combination of acetaminophen and an opioid for emergency department patients with acute extremity pain?
Volume 3 / Issue 309 / 180902
September 1, 2018
Infections | Skin & Soft Tissue Abscesses
Do systemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-active antibiotics improve cure rates following abscess incision and drainage?
Volume 4 / Issue 401 / 190101
January 1, 2019
Does use of a bougie improve first-attempt emergency intubation success in difficult airway patients?
Volume 5 / Issue 503 / 200302
March 1, 2020
Anesthesia | Musculoskeletal Pain